Herb Notes
Despite what you hear from the news media, herbs are safer than drugs. You are more likely to die from a prescription (RX) or over the counter (OTC) drug than from an herb. According to the National Poison Data System Statistics from 2009 — collected by the...
Herb Notes
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium, A. lanulosa) is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and is common in the West. Everywhere it is found — here, Europe, Asia — yarrow has a long history of medicinal use. It is classified as cold, dry, bitter and pungeant...
Herb Notes
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) has many names reflecting it’s appearance — “Varnished Conk” — and it’s value as a tonic — “Mushroom of Immortality”, “10,000 Year Mushroom”, “Queen of Mushrooms” and “Sacred Fungus”. It has been used for 4,000 years in...
About the herbalist Marija has been studying herbs, mushrooms and essential oils intensely since 2008, training at the Ohlone Center of Herbal Studies with Pam Fisher, at Green Medicine Herb School with Kathi Keville and with a number of other herbalists. Prior to...
Herb Notes
“Being an inhabitant almost in every garden, it is so well known, that it needeth no description” – Nicholas Culpeper, 17th century herbalist, botanist & physician (1). Lavender is ubiquitous, scenting a multitude of soaps, sachets, lotions and room sprays....