osadha natural health, llc

In person & distance classes for individuals or groups

Classes, Plant/Mushroom Walks & More

Class Notification List

If you would you’d like to receive the once monthly “upcoming classes & plant o’ the month” email, you can subscribe here. Be the earliest to know what’s coming up and grab your spot!  Please add marija@osadha.com, as one of your contacts so that the notice don’t land in spam.


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Backyard Botanical Survey

Want to know what’s growing on your land? Contact me for a leisurely stroll to identify wild edible and medicinal plants and learn how to use them, with a bit of science and folklore thrown in.  $100 for an hour and a half of plant adventure. 


1-on-1 Courses of Study

I take on a limited number of  individual students for a learning experience tailored to your interests.

  • In person or distance via Zoom/Skype.
  • Once weekly to once monthly or something in between
  • $50 per hour
  • There is homework for maximizing your learning. We go over it, but it’s not “graded”. 

    Past students have…

    • Gone into clinical practice
    • Created herbal products for marketing
    • Incorporated herbs into their “main” profession (eg. body work, energy work, etc)
    • Used what they’ve learned to support the health of themselves, family, friends, pets  

    Please contact me for more info or to start planning your personalized timing and plan.

    Ideas on topics

    • Basic concepts in herbalism
    • Materia Medica (meaning, plants/mushrooms/essential oils & their medicinal uses)
    • Plant/mushroom walks – Identification in the field, uses, folklore, science
    • Harvesting, processing, & medicine making
    • Diagnostics – Traditional approaches, constitutional evaluation, reading labs
    • Formulating
    • Herbal energetics – Hot, cold, damp, dry, consolidating, dispersing, etc
    • Clinical case studies – For those who already have 2+ years experience w/ herbalism
    • Reading & interpreting herbal scientific research
    • Herb-drug interactions
    • Herbal safety
    • Aromatic medicine
    • Natural perfumery
    • Interested in something not listed here?  Let me know : )


    Upcoming Classes & Workshops

    CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you cancel your registration for classes, workshop, or plant/mushroom walk two or more weeks or more prior to the scheduled event, you will receive a 90% refund. If you cancel within two weeks prior to the event, your registration is non-refundable. 

    BIPOC scholarships available for classes offered specifically classes at/through Osadha. 

    Please Contact Me for more info.


    Winter Wild Foods & Medicine Making Workshop

    Sunday, February 9th, 2025, 11am-1pm in Durango. $65 via cash, check, or venmo. $66.95 via paypal or credit card. Please contact me here or message me at 970-779-3111 to register and arrange payment. Please register at least several days in advance so I can have the necessary supplies ready. Weather permitting, there will be a free hour-long plant & mushroom identification walk nearby immediately after the workshop for workshop attendees only. 


    In this workshop, you’ll learn what wild foods and medicines are available on the Western Slope during the winter, how to ethically harvest them, and how to prepare them. Get hands-on time in the kitchen preparing your own herbal medicine to take home and doing a group wild foods recipe that we’ll share, while learning plant/mushroom uses, folklore, and a tiny bit of chemistry. 


    Mushrooms for an Unruly Immune System

    Saturday, March 15th, 2025, 10am-1pm Mountain Time. Live Zoom Class. Please register here

    Allergies, autoimmunity, chronic inflammation…people suffering with these issues might think this means that they have an overly strong immune system. Nope. Rather, it means that healthy immune system function has been derailed. In fact, it’s not unusual for someone with an autoimmune disorder—when the immune system is targeting and damaging parts of the body—to have poor immunity against infections.

    In this class we’ll touch on how the immune system may become “confused” about what’s a threat and attack things that aren’t, such as the thyroid, a thumb joint, juniper pollen, or peanut butter. Then we’ll dive into the tradition and science of mushrooms for encouraging proper immune system function. This will also extend to situations in which the immune system has been acutely impaired, such as with cancer and cancer treatment.

    Attendees will be able to pick up a powdered mushroom extract—either in Albuquerque or Durango—that we’ll discuss in class. 

    Classes are for educational purposes only and do not supplant the advice of a licensed medical practitioner.


    Cardiovascular Health, Naturally

    Saturday, April 26th, 2025, 10am-1pm Mountain Time. Live Zoom Class. Please register here

    Be nice to your heart. Whether you’re going about your day or deep in dreamland at night, this amazing organ works around the clock, beating approximately 100,000 times in 24 hours, sending blood to every cell in the body. And healthy blood vessels make it easier for your heart to do its thing.

    Cardiovascular disease is the top cause of premature death in the US. Much of this can be  tied to the preponderance of fake foods, smoking, chronic stress, and genetics though there are other factors that can contribute. What does and doesn’t contribute—based on well done science— may surprise you. For example, did you know that good quality eggs are just fine for cardiovascular health? And that seed oils aren’t a great idea…due both to the way they’re processed as well as their sensitivity to oxidation (going rancid). Or that (non-industry funded) research is showing that levels hsCRP, vLDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B (apoB), and lipoprotein A are stronger indicators of cardiovascular disease risk than LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol or their ratio?

    In this class, you’ll learn about key medicinal plants and mushrooms and “functional foods” for improving the health of your ticker and blood vessels. The class will combine traditional uses, well done/critically read research studies, and Marija’s clinical herbal experience with clients and with herself (having a couple of inherited cardiovascular issues). This is a great class for those who already have diagnosed issues, for those who are worried about family history, and for folks who simply want to take care of themselves.

    A “love your heart” tea blend will be available for pick up for students in Albuquerque and Durango.  

    Classes are for educational purposes only and do not supplant the advice of a licensed medical practitioner.


    Spring Wild Foods & Medicine Making Workshop

    Sunday, May 4th, 2025, 11am-1pm in Durango. $65 via cash, check, or venmo. $66.95 via paypal or credit card. Please contact me here or message me at 970-779-3111 to register and arrange payment. Please register at least several days in advance so I can have the necessary supplies ready. Weather permitting, there will be a free hour-long plant & mushroom identification walk nearby for workshop attendees only. It will be held at 9am, prior to the workshop. 


    In this workshop, you’ll learn what wild foods and medicines are available on the Western Slope during the spring, how to ethically harvest them, and how to prepare them. Get hands-on time in the kitchen preparing your own herbal medicine to take home and doing a group wild foods recipe that we’ll share, while learning plant/mushroom uses, folklore, and a tiny bit of chemistry. 

    Wisdom of Herbs Gathering 2025

    Saturday/Sunday, May 17th/18th, 14th, 10am-4:30 pm in Bayfield. Early Bird registration is $285 until April 31st. Registration from May 1 onwards is $309. Registration link for payment will be posted shortly. 


    Instuctors:  Deb Swanson, RH, founder & former owner of Dancing Willow Herbs in Durango. Dr. Aaylah Wellspring, ND.  Dr. Anna Marija Helt, PhD. 


    Join us for an action-packed weekend: 

    medicinal & edible plant identification walks • herbs for digestion & elimination • nervines for sleep and mood •  herbal support for viral infections  • 1st Aid medicine making • flower essence making • yarrow deep dive – plant meditation, medicinal uses, medicine  making • the alchemical roots of herbal medicine – a history • plant meditations with sound bath



    • The workshop is outdoors, weather permitting. Come prepared for wacky Colorado weather

    • Food – Students are responsible for their own meals

    • Lodging –  There is camping at nearby Vallecito Reservoir or Lemon Reservoir and in the greater area (Junction Creek, Lightner Creek, & KOA campgrounds in Durango, Multiple campsites in La Plata Canyon. Numerous motels/hotels/other options are in Bayfield and Durango. Camping on site is an option. There are bathrooms and a wooded forest area fro privacy and shade. 


    CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you cancel your registration two or more weeks prior to the event, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel within two weeks of the event, you will be refunded your the total minus a $50 materials/registration fee. 


    Herbal Mycology Discussion Panel & other Mushroom Classes

    Free Mushroom Masterclass through Fungi Academy, recording from Tuesday May 21st, 2024, is available here


    Herbs and Medicinal Mushrooms offer more than just quick-fix remedies, they provide us with a holistic approach to health and vitality. Through this ancient wisdom, we can tap into a rich source of healing that has evolved alongside humanity and uncover a fundamental truth: our well-being is deeply intertwined and inseparable from the natural world. The recording includes our great discussion and the Q & A session with attendees. 


    Fungi Academy has a number of online (and in person) mushroom courses available, which can be seen here. Click on the “Online” and “In person” dropdown menus dropdown menu at the top to see what’s available. The following coupon code gives you 15% off any of the online courses.: OSADHA    






    Recorded Classes

    Recording link will be sent within 24 hours of payment, unless purchased on weekend or holiday, then it will be sent on the next business day. 

    Herb-Drug Interactions


    RECORDING of live, interactive Zoom class.  $30

    On average, in any given month nearly half of the US population uses at least 1 prescription drug (CDC). Approximately 76% of the adult population in the US used at least 1 herbal supplement in 2017 (Choi & Song, 2021). It is difficult to wade through the available information regarding herb-drug interactions for multiple reasons that include bias (folks publishing information on this are often not trained in botanical medicine or phytochemistry), sensationalism (fear-mongering newspaper headlines and clickbait), the growing ingredient complexity of supplements, and polypharmacy (the use of multiple medications concurrently that greatly increases the rate of adverse drug reactions).


    This class takes a critical, evidence-base approach at looking at herb-drug interactions. The focus will be on individual herbs, and will include data from critically evaluated case studies, clinical studies, and practitioner experience.  The most likely categories of herbs to interact with medications will be highlighted, as will well-documented interactions. The class is appropriate for multiple types of healthcare provider as well as for folks who take herbs and want to know more about the topic of interactions. 

    Medicinal Plants of the West

    Recordings of live, interactive Zoom classes.  $15.50 per class. 

    Plant ID, medicinal uses, folklore, and science. Attend 1 or all or however many you’d like. Many of the plants are also found elsewhere in North and Central America.


    California Poppy & Pine 

    Sagebrush & Wild Rose

    Barberry & Juniper     

    Elder & Oregon Grape                   


    After clicking on “Buy Now” button, scroll to gray Credit/Debit button for secure payment. You’re automatically registered as soon as payment goes through.

    Insomnia: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording available.  $17.50. (When you click “buy now”, scroll to the gray button for secure debit or cc payment)

    Insomnia is an epidemic that significantly impacts the health and quality of life of many millions of people.   Sleep meds often lose effect over time or can become addictive.  They can help get one through a period of sleeplessness but, for many folks, aren’t a long term fix.  Part of the problem is cultural. Here in the west, many of us go through the day at 110 mph then try to come to a screeching stop at night, hoping to be able to simply turn our switch to “off” and fall asleep.  And it can be hard to change that pattern what with jobs, family responsabilities, and such.   Join us to learn some simple approaches to improve your odds of a restful night of sleep.

    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 

    Hair Loss: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording    $17.50   (After clicking on Buy Now Button, scroll down to the secure debit/credit card payment button)

    Hair may start thinning due to nutritional issues, endocrine imbalances, autoimmune attack of the hair follicles, or even from stress.  Join us to learn ways to support a healthy scalp from the inside out and the outside in! 

    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 

    Gout: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording    $17.50   (After clicking on Buy Now Button, scroll down to the secure debit/credit card payment button)

    Gout is an extremely painful condition where excess uric acid in the body coalesces into sharp crystals in various joints, particularly the big toe.  There are certain areas where an herbalist’s approach can kick butt for support, and this is one of them. Yes, it requires keeping an eye out for certain exacerbating foods.  We’ll get into that as well as some great herbal ways to get some relief. 

    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 

    Constipation: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording    $17.50   (After clicking on Buy Now Button, scroll down to the secure debit/credit card payment button)

    Occasional constipation and bloating are common, if annoying. For some folks, they’re chronic. Either way, there are simple supportive steps that can be helpful for the most common causes and in the absence of more serious issues.  Lots of folks have heard of Senna, a laxative plant. Did you know that it, like some classes of drugstore laxatives, can cause laxative-dependence?  They may help in a pinch but are not long term fixes.   Join us to learn ways to do more than simply slap a bandaid on the issue.  We’ll explore simple tips and gentle, supportive herbs to get things going again. 


    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 

    Fungal Skin Infections: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording  $15.50   (After clicking on Buy Now Button, scroll down to the secure debit/credit card payment button)

    Fungal skin infections can be a persistent nuisance, whether it’s athlete’s foot, jock itch, dandruff, ringworm, or what have you.  The spray on drug store meds often lack efficacy, while other meds such as ketoconazole can be downright toxic. (Fungal cells have a lot in common with our cells, leading to unwanted effects from some meds targeted at fungi.)            

    Dealing with simple fungal skin infections is one area where an herbal approach can kick butt.  Learn foods that make your body an uninviting habitat and my favorite botanical allies for focused support.                                                                                                                       

    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 

    Acid Reflux: An herbalist’s approach

    Class recording  $15.50   (After clicking on Buy Now Button, scroll down to the secure debit/credit card payment button)

    Did you know that too little stomach acid rather than too much is a common reason for acid reflux? Especially when you’re older?

    Reflux can literally and figuratively be a pain. Chronic reflux (GERD) also damages the esophagus and increases the risk of esophageal cancer. Some folks have reflux without even realizing it. A sign of this can be a frequent urge to clear one’s throat.  Join us to learn why reflux happens and some simple tips on how to deal with it.  You will receive a Zoom link the day before class.

    Information in this class is not meant to supplant the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner.