Went looking for mushrooms today. Found nothing but a few Corts : ( But I did find a lovely patch of Monkshood (Aconitum columbianum), one of my favorite wildflowers (for just looking at!) around here.

Monkshood contains alkaloids such as aconitine, mesaconitine, and related molecules the toxicity of which manifests in the nervous system and heart, with some GI stuff as well…vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. Aconitum species do have a history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine and elsewhere after very careful processing and with very careful dosing. (Even handling the plant can result in some neurotoxic effects.) It is deadly in high enough dosage and is not a plant to experiment with.

In other words, don’t stick it in your mouth. Just look at it and marvel at its beauty.


Content © Dr. Anna Marija Helt, Osadha Natural Health, LLC. Permission to republish any of the articles or videos in full or in part online or in print must be granted by the author in writing.

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