Herb Notes
Allspice. Remember seeing an ancient red and white tin of this in the spice cabinet growing up but don’t know what the heck it is? Well, tune in here… digestion, cold, flu, blood...
Herb Notes
Pumpkin Spice…love it or hate it, it goes beyond your coffee drink and air freshener! It’s that time of year. That’s right, I’m talking about the avalanche of everything pumpkin spice. Lattes, baked goods, protein shakes, hand soaps, room sprays and, yup,...
Herb Notes
Advanced topics in botanical medicine – Herbs your patients are taking: Echinacea uses, clinical data, safety, interactions Plus, did you know that Echinacea’s polysaccharides aren’t the primary immune stimulating component of the plant? ...
Herb Notes
My Custom Herb’s weekly live video on advanced topics in botanical medicine. This week, we’re continuing the series “Herbs your patients are taking” with a deep look at turmeric. Including Marija’s rant on Turmeric versus curcumins. ...